biological, social and cognitive influences on gender developmentbiological, social and cognitive influences on gender development
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Breuer made daily visits and allowed her to share stories from her private theater, which she came to call talking cure or chimney sweeping. Many of the stories she shared were actually thoughts or events she found troubling and reliving them helped to relieve or eliminate the symptoms. In that case, we must base our theories on the assumption that gender identity is a cognitive concept. He suggested that children begin to understand various complexities surrounding genders, such as how to identify the gender of others and the idea that gender is constant and does not change based on superficial factors such as clothing. You can also view an educational YouTube video that summarizes Davids case ( as well as a short clip from an Oprah show in which Davids family appears on (linked here: Then we engage in those behaviors (or avoid them). The development of personality. Full-text available. Developmental PSYC practice exam FINAL. Why do we consider multiple approaches when trying to explain something in psychology? For example, boys are praised more for their educational successes (e.g., grades, skill acquisition) whereas girls are acknowledged for more domesticate-related qualities such as having a tidy work area (Eccles, 1987). what were kohlberg's stages of gender development and when do they occur? As children get older, peers become increasingly influential. The book establishes a new cognitive theory of style and creativity in design and When testosterone is low, the baby grows female sex organs, and its brain does not undergo significant gendered changes. She relapsed and was admitted to Bellevue Sanatorium on July 1, eventually being released in October of the same year. Chapter 12 MC. Although this may seem logical at the surface level, it does not account for what we see in more egalitarian homes and cultures. Observation is one of our most important survival skills as humansChildrenen watch and observes those around us from a very young age m and, eventually, try to mimic them. Well, really, it is due to the areas of the brain that are impacted. John Money's (1972) theory was that once a biological male or female is born, social labeling and differential treatment of boys and girls interact with biological factors to steer development. Are there psychodynamic explanations for gender development. The following link provides a nice summary of how the two genders move through the Phallic Stage: . Which of these theories are NOT cognitive theories of gender development? This is specifically true for girls as young as 18-24 months; however, boys do not show this quite as early (Serbin,Poulin-Dubois, Colburne, Sen, & Eichstedt, 2001). He viewed this stage as the time in which boys become men. The theory that I am discussing is Piaget's theory of cognitive development. Likewise, they will criticize, and perhaps even reject a peer, when a peer engages in play that is inconsistent with gender expectations. (McLeod, 2008). Traditionally, there are three main psychological explanations of how we navigate the path to gender identity. It explores how creativity is initiated by design cognition and explains relationships between style and creativity. This theory also accounts for the entire lifespan when considering development, which is drastically different than earlier theories, such as psychodynamic theories, which focused on childhood and adolescence. In a girl, it is the other way around. It appears that children first learn to label others gender, then their own. Moreover, when considering print media, we know that there tends to be a focus on appearance, body image, and relationships for teenage girls, whereas print media tends to focus on occupations and hobbies for boys. Gender roles in development consist of biological, psychosexual, social learning and cognitive. ; McLeod, 2008). Culture, social, biological, and psychological factors can influence the development of psychopathology. How we acquire gender identity. is called basic evil. This is the feeling of inferiority due to ones sex. It is present at birth, completely unconscious, and operates on the pleasure principle, resulting in selfishly seeking immediate gratification of our needs no matter what the cost. Best study tips and tricks for your exams. Ultimately, Freud theorized that an individuals psychosomatic distress (physical symptoms that occur due to psychological distress) was a manifestation of internal conflicts. The penis, or absence of, is the differentiating factor here, as the libido moves to the penis or clitoris in the Phallic stage. If we are angry at someone, we may engage in physical or relational aggression to alleviate this stimulation. Prenatal toxin exposure appears to be relevant when examining diethylstilbestrol (DES), specifically. Moreover, parents tend to reinforce independence in boys, but dependence in girls. First, libido is the psychic energy that drives a person to pleasurable thoughts and behaviors. Show abstract. We then become models for others as well! When considering psychological theories of gender development, the age-old question is central to the conversation -- does gender identity develop due to nature or nurture? Some studies support this theory, such as a 1993 study by Liben and Signorella in which 106 predominantly white children were shown stereotypical images of behaviours alongside neutral and non-stereotypical images. Children are motivated by society's binary expectations to establish their gender identity. For instance, the female and male genitalia are different both internally and externally. Girls may also be oriented towards relationships and their appearance rather than careers and academic goals, if they are very closely identifying with traditional gender roles. labels) when they first encountered them. Oedipus was a man that killed his father and married his mother in Greek mythology. If they learn new information that does not align with what they already know, they will adjust their schema so they are aligned. Society has built particular images that display what a girl/boy should be like. In general, media tends to portray males as more direct, assertive, muscular, in authority roles, and employed, whereas women tend to be portrayed as dependent, emotional, low in status, in the home rather than employed, and their appearance is often a focus. Outline potential strengths and weaknesses of these theories. Women have evolved to be the carers of children, whilst men have evolved to be the providers for their families. All focus on early childhood, that is, up until about seven years of age. We do not really give infants a chance to develop their own preferences parents and the caregivers in their life do that for them, immediately. During puberty (between the ages of 10 and 16), young people experience another surge of hormones. Testosterone levels have been linked to sex-typed toy play and activity levels in young children. Within this theory, it is assumed that children actively create their schemas about gender by keeping or discarding information obtained through their experiences in their environment (Dinella, 2017). Kohlberg theorised that as children develop cognitive skills, their understanding of their gender and that of the people around them increases. Think about the first moment someone says they are pregnant. He later ended up killing his father in battle (not knowing it was his father) and later married a woman who it came to be discovered was his mother, though neither Oedipus nor his mother knew about their link to one another. These labels allow children to form in-groups and out-groups, in this case, boys and girls. It is thought that gender, from a biological theory begins in the fetal stage. Fourth is declarative procedural learning. This occurs due to varying levels of exposure to testosterone. of the users don't pass the Cognitive Explanations of Gender Development quiz! As children watch and observe, they learn what behaviours are associated with the gender they identify with. If you want to read more about a case that Freud worked on that directly deals with and outlines the Oedipus complex, has a nice summary of the story of Little Hans. We must first base our theories on the assumption that gender identity is a cognitive concept, i.e., something occurring in our minds and not biologically determined or strictly behavioural. What did Liben and Signorella (1993) find in their study? Describe how legal and ethical considerations for group and family therapy differ from those for individual therapy, and explain how these differences might impact your therapeutic approaches for . As children develop, parents tend to also continue gender-norm expectations. Gender schema theory, although largely a cognitive theory, does incorporate some elements of social learning as well. gender roles) through observation and imitation and reward and punishment. We learned about the psychodynamic theories of Freud and Horney. Ultimately, in this stage, boys begin to develop sexual desires for their mother and become jealous of their father. The problem with his theory is children begin to recognize gender and model gender behaviors before they have the cognitive capacity for gender constancy (remember all that we learned about how infants show gender-based knowledge?). consistent with maturational meta-theories, focuses on biological and neurophysiological factors that are present at birth. Really, this area falls into two subcategories: prenatal hormonal exposure and prenatal toxin exposure. focuses on how our unconscious thoughts and drives influence our behaviour. Overall, it is widely accepted that there are two types of schemas that are relevant in gender schema theory superordinate schemas and own-sex schemas. Freud considered the talking cure of Anna O. to be the origin of psychoanalytic therapy and what would come to be called the cathartic method. She published many short stories; a play called Womens Rights, in which she criticized the economic and sexual exploitation of women; and wrote a book in 1900 called The Jewish Problem in Galicia, in which she blamed the poverty of the Jews of Eastern Europe on their lack of education. This theory underscores the idea, present . It does not explain why, Carol Martin and Charles Halverson developed the, Biological Influences on Gender Development, In the womb, around the eighth week of pregnancy, the presence of the hormone testosterone determines whether a baby is born with male or female genitalia. They found that the majority of children recalled photos displaying stereotypical gendered behaviours more accurately than photos displaying unconventional behaviours. In terms of gender, Martin and Halverson suggested that children develop their gender identity by creating schemas about different genders and determining their in-group and out-group based on this. Case studies, questionnaires, laboratory experiments, and interviews. While there was significant research done on females, less research was done on males. When parents approach more gender-equal or neutral interactions, research shows positive outcomes (Bussey, 2014). We took a detailed look into various socializing factors that children encounter. When testosterone is present, the male sex organs begin to develop, and the hypothalamus changes so that the brain is more inclined to male behaviours. We can be genetically predisposed to many things such as mental illness, cancer, heart conditions, etc. She felt confined and suffocated in this life and took to a fantasy world she called her private theater. Anna also developed hysteria, including symptoms such as memory loss, paralysis, disturbed eye movements, reduced speech, nausea, and mental deterioration. The biological perspective is a way of looking at psychological issues by studying the physical basis for animal and human behavior. Well, non-conforming gender behavior (e.g., boys playing with dolls, girls playing with trucks) is often ridiculed by peers and children may even be actively excluded. Describe socialization theories regarding gender. Give two examples of cognitive theories of gender. Psychopathology is defined as the study of mental illness. What were the results of Thompsons' 1975 study? Socially and culturally, clothing is symbolized identity for everyone. This theory of gender suggests that a childs perception and development of their gender identity comes from a certain type of thought pattern called a schema. When a child's concept of gender is formed, their gender stability is established. Thus, it appears that gender development in those exposed to DES, particularly males, is greatly impacted (Bevan, 2017). Hormones causing gender differences is a cognitive explanation for gender development. This approach is based on cases where there is a discrepancy between biological sex and gender identity. However, if they are not, and experience an unsafe environment, or lack of love and caring, they will experience maladaptive development which will result in anxiety (Harris, 2016). This theory is most obvious when individuals are predisposed to a gender that does not align with biological sex, also referred to as transgender. Gender identity: refers to an individual's sense of their gender. For example, boys are encouraged to play outside (cars, sports, balls) and build (Legos, blocks), etc. The existence of research supports the validity of the theory. To carry out the required tasks, males needed higher androgens/testosterone to allow for higher muscle capacity as well as aggression. Be perfectly prepared on time with an individual plan. Although we are focusing on the negative, think about what could happen if we saw a shift in that focus! Boys also tend to use more threats and physical force whereas girls do not prefer this type of play. Social relationships, including the gender of friends, and the people they decide to imitate. The more we see it, the more it becomes a part of our socialization. Lawrence Kohlberg proposesd the first cognitive developmental theory. Thus, there are natural reasons to not intertwine and to instead segregate (Bussey, 2014). The social learning theory plays a major role in gender development. Theories of gender role development fall into two major categories, namely, biological and social-cognitive. Furthermore, the authors point out that the social-cognitive theory is based on psychological and socio-structural determinants operating within the society. Children tend to play in sex-segregated peer groups. Schemas are abstract cognitive structures, like a mental toolbox containing information about various things. 2 Genderfluidity is a concept that is becoming known in today's society. This is important because it places children as an active agent in their socialization. We will then take a very detailed look at various factors that impact gender socialization while also uncovering two common social theories social learning theory and social cognitive theory. The biological changes are discussed in Chapter 5. This then guides his behavior. This approach believes that biological sex creates gendered behaviour. Biological factors that may influence gender identity include pre- and post-natal hormone levels and genetic makeup. The more a child plays with same-gender peers, the more their behavior becomes gender-stereotyped. Stop procrastinating with our smart planner features. The model, formulated by Kohlberg, asserts that children recognize their gender identity around age three but do not see it as relatively fixed until the ages of five to seven. In two studies, children had difficulty remembering nontraditional and opposite-sex stimuli even when given additional interpretations (e.g. As mentioned, these types of experiences (basic evil) lead to maladaptive development which was theorized to occur because the individual begins to believe that, if their parent did not love them then no one could love them. Briefly, Oedipus was separated from his mother and father early in life. Personality develops over five distinct stages in which the libido focuses on different parts of the body. However, they described the baby as angry or irritable when told the infant was a boy. Again, girls do not sit with their legs open, boys do not play with dolls, girls do not get muddy and dirty, boys do not cry, etc. This chapter is meant to provide the reader with information on the psychological, social, cognitive, and spiritual aspects of aging. The reason it was finally taken off the market was because females were showing higher rates of cancer. However, in the Genital stage, Freud theorized that this is a time in which adolescents experiment sexually and begin to settle into romantic relationships. You then go to the equipment and do the same exact thing! Cognitive approaches to gender can be applied in nurseries to help children develop healthy gender identities and positive attitudes toward people with gender identities different from their own. Developmentally, there arent many cognitive differences in the development of boys and girls. Outline strengths and weaknesses of these theories. Although interpretations and adherence to gender stereotypes is very rigid initially, as children get enter middle childhood, they learn more about stereotypes and that gender stereotypes are flexible and varied (Bussey, 2014). Roles of biological, social and cognitive influences on gender During the past years, sex and gender have been used interchangeably, but these uses are becoming increasingly different. David Reimer is an example of one of these cases (Bevan, 2017). Biological . Bem created one theory while Martin and Halverson created another, though we will not dive into the differences between these theories in this book (Dinella, 2017). For example, if a girl did not like a block, she would indicate Only boys like blocks (Berk, 2004; Liben & Bigler, 2002). What are the 3 major theories of gender development? Teenagers experience biological, cognitive, and social changes during adolescence that can affect their gender role attitudes (Eagly & Wood, 2012 ). Before we get started, we want you to ask yourself a few questions When do we begin to recognize and label ourselves as boy or girl, and why? According to cognitive developmental theory, gender socialization occurs when children recognize that gender is constant and does not change which is referred to this as gender constancy. Kohlberg indicated that children choose various behaviors that align with their gender and match cultural stereotypes and expectations. Human behavior is complex, being influenced by the fact that we are flesh and blood (biological influences) and our social relationships with other people. What is a methodological issue associated with conducting interviews with child participants? Further, given that this came down to survival of the fittest it made sense to divvy up tasks and important behaviors. Bertha (Anna O.) The center of Horneys theory is that individuals need a safe and nurturing environment. Social learning theory says that we learn certain behaviours and social roles (i.e. Schemas are essentially outlines cognitive templates that we follow, if you will. This is learning in which we obtain behavioral feedback from people and our environment and make adjustments based on it(Bevan, 2017). The influence of nutrition on child development can be seen in areas such as physical and cognitive health. and girls are encouraged to play in ways that develop housekeeping skills (dolls, kitchen sets; Bussey, 2014). Cognitive approaches focus on our thought processes, and how they can explain our behaviors and certain psychological phenomena. This is because we do not just model behavior, we also monitor how others react to our behaviors. Testosterone levels have been linked to sex-typed toy play and activity levels in children. 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biological, social and cognitive influences on gender development